I/11 Oldřichovice - Bystřice


Investor's Technical Supervision, OHS Coordinator
Period of execution: 08/2014-10/2017

I/11 Oldřichovice - Bystřice

Site description:

Construction I / 11 Oldřichovice – Bystřice connects to the directly related construction I / 11 Nebory – Oldřichovice and it is, therefore, a part of the final solution of the grade-separated interchange of the D48 highway with the Slovak Republic via road I / 68 and I / 11 in the section Třanovice – Mosty u Jablunkova.

převzato z:

The company with its registered office at Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, folder 4235,
ID Number: 25070282

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